Another 20 minute photo and another day in the library.
Since 11am I have been sat in a small carrel underneath a massive sign that shouts SILENCE in my face. Ironically, I think I am in the noisiest area of library - a major thoroughfare for students migrating between shelves. The guy behind me fell asleep not long ago and I swear I could feel his long drawn, slumbery breath on the back of my neck. The lift arrogantly announces itself every time it arrives, opens its door and closes them again, what a simpleton - its no major task.
But what has irked me the most are the people wearing those polyester tracksuits. I can hear them from miles away, their stupid legs swishing together with that horrible "zwit zwit" noise that changes frequency as they move past, into the shelves. But then... "no, changed my mind, better walk back down the gangway, past Jake who is pretending to study while keeping an eye on the football". zwit zwit zwit zwit. Idiots.
Maybe I should just move seats. Or better still, maybe I should get a life.
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