Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

Short Loan.

A tactic of mine for rising earlier and being 'productive' is to take a short loan book out of the library in the evening.

Said book will then be due the next day by 9:45 am. Despite this, I frequently find myself waking to a dilemma that boils down to the basic scientific fact that it is warm in my bed. I feel it is an accomplishment alone to be awake enough to confidently hit snooze every ten minutes for an hour and a half. Why, then, should I also have to get up? Furthermore, I think to myself, the fine for an overdue short loan book is just 50p an hour.

Here is where my morning philosophical thought comes in. Technically, if you take the physical book out of the equation, what I am doing, in effect, is paying for my sleep.

So it all ultimately leads to one question: would I pay 50p for one more hour in bed?

Yes. Yes I would. There's one on my bedside cabinet.

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