Saturday: Gibsons

We really had every intention of getting up to watch the Royal Wedding but, you know, the spirit is willing but the body is weak. When the alarm went off at 03:45 we couldn't muster the will. That was the time we would have had to get up for the ceremony, even if we skipped all the pre-coverage. So we've caught some of it now but not all of it.

We're on our first trip to the Sunshine Coast this weekend. We were in good time to get the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale and are now in Gibsons which we really like. For those of you who remember 'The Beachcombers', I've seen the legendary 'Molly's Reach'. And Gibsons has not one, not two, but THREE microbreweries.

One of these, Persephone, was the best we've been to in terms of ambience and environment. They grow their own hops and it was quite something to drink their beer with their sustainable produce so close by.

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