Friday: New Westminster

I had a 0645 breakfast this morning which felt a tad early. That said, it was an excellent event, marking the Intermational Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). It was held at one of the local hotels and the room was absolutely packed. Sometimes it's so refreshing to feel that, for once, you're not in the minority.

This afternoon I was out at New Westminster City Hall for a meeting. I really liked what I saw of the town, it's got some great retro corners - right up my street.

In the meantime, K. took Fred to the vet this morning and I picked him up this evening (see yesterday's blip). He is doing well, if a little off balance, as he is, indeed, now lacking two thirds of his tail. I'm sure you'll see his new look soon.

K. is a little weary so opted for an early night. I really enjoyed watching the excellent documentary: 'Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise'. I can really recommend it.

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