Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1303. Spot the iPhone X image?

I am quite taken with my iPhone X as the camera is rather good...I thought I'd do a direct comparison of it with my bigger Panasonic FZ2000 which has an awesome Leica lens...can you spot which one is the iPhone image?

My dress altering marathon was completed after a gruelling 3 hours yesterday and what a fiddly job it was too.  Turning up knitted items is a nightmare and this was made particularly difficult by the fact that it had a fancy scolloped edge too.  I painstakingly picked up every single stitch along the hem line to the length I wanted with a large needle and embroidery thread then cut off and unravelled the unwanted part keeping my fingers crossed that I hadn't dropped too many stitches which thankfully I hadn't and those that were missed were easily picked up with the thread.  I then stitched along the hem with some more embroidery thread and hoped that it would hang ok....it did!  The dress is a Phase Eight one so worthwhile sorting out...I'm sure these designers think that everyone is 6' 2"!

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