Honeymoon Flight

I'd just gone down to make the (not so early) morning cup of tea when Tess came down to let me know there was a hot air balloon approaching ( experience has taught her that the day is likely to go more smoothly if I get the blip in the bag early!)

Anyway, it gave me the excuse to include this Seamus Heaney poem that I read at our niece's wedding. I think I may have quoted it before on a similar blip but it seemed appropriate for today

Honeymoon Flight

Below, the patchwork earth, dark hems of hedge
The long grey tapes of road that bind and loose
Villages and fields in casual marriage:
We bank above the small lough and farmhouse

And the sure green world goes topsy-turvy
As we climb out of our familiar landscape.
The engine noises change. You look at me.
The coastline slips away beneath the wing-tip.

And launched right off the earth by force of fire,
We hang, miraculous, above the water,
Dependent on the invisible air
To keep us airborne and bring us farther.

Ahead of us the sky’s a geyser now.
A calm voice talks of cloud but we feel lost.
Air pockets jolt our fears and down we go.
Travellers, at this point, can only trust.

Seamus Heaney

We had a quick swim this morning, watched "the wedding" itself then nipped out to a garden centre on the Mendips we haven't visited in years for some bedding plants and were back in time for the Cup Final.

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