All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Introducing Zoe

I'm not sure where today has gone which is strange considering I haven't done much! I did walk down to the shopping centre and back which took 2 hours but didn't find anything blipworthy while I was out.

So once I got back home I took lots more photos of the cats. I've had some fantastic pictures of them over the years but they tend to be spontaneous ones and when I'm actually trying to get a good one, like today, I aways struggle.

Anyway, this is Zoe, the 2nd oldest of my 4 cats. She's 12 years old and is a very nervous cat. Although she does like to go out for the occasional wander in the garden, she's quite happy just pottering around the house all day. Oh, and sleeping of course! In the photo I took before this one she was fast asleep - eyes shut. I obviously woke her up though as you can tell from the open eye, although she didn't move position and was clearly trying very hard to pretend I wasn't there!

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