Hawthorn Fairy

Soaking up the sun.
As was the young blackbird in the Rhodedendron.

The fence which has been broken for years now has a double row of posts. I suspect that the hotel has been granted permission for the 15 holiday homes it wants to put up - despite the objections from the local residents and The Woodland Trust.

The annual dandelion crop at the station is fairly poor this year due to the rebuilding work, but there are still enough on the slope to get some quite nice pictures.

When PD and I were nearly home I got a call from SWMBO (who was at the school for the weekly 'parents' visit to see how their kids are getting on) to say that Jay had gone out with her and refused to go back in.
I found him cowering beside the bins ……….idiot!

He wasn't the only idiot today though.
The household was woken at 5.30 am by a sparrow in the bedroom banging on the glass and shouting at his pal who was on the other side doing the same thing. After getting the one on the inside outside I managed to get back to sleep for an hour or so.

The other idiot was PD who found an old tennis ball on the lunchtime walk and carried it around until we got onto the high level of the walk …… where he dropped the ball and watched it bounce down the steep slope (about 20 feet of 45 degree slope at that point). Then he took off down the slope, hunted around, found the ball and ran back up. Obviously breathless, he dropped the ball ……… and watched it roll back over the edge and down the slope again.
Off he went again to get it. But not before looking at us as if expecting us to go and get it. Like that was ever going to happen!
3 more times he did that . each time with the slope getting steeper and higher.

This is 3rd time I have had to write this as it has kept vanishing - so maybe I should be added to that list of idiots.

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