
By beeeze


Not a brilliant photo today. This was a massive hail shower heading our way, complete with thunder and lightning. I think we've had more thunder over the last few days than we've had in the last two years.

I'm a bit under the weather (without wishing to divulge too much info, an ibs attack which normally takes around five days to run it's course so several days to go) and had it in mind to blip the cat because I haven't for a while. Naturally he - Mr Poseur Extraordinaire - refused point blank to be a willing model today.

Then Ma is at home so I spend the majority of my day putting things back where they belong and searching for missing items like my camera charger - eep! (Under daughter's pillow naturally...)

I think that's enough excuses don't you? Lashing down here so already in my pj's waiting for Corrie to start.

Tomorrow is another day after all.

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