Roly's Life

By Roly

List Theft

Inspired by another blipper, I am stealing her blip for today. A list for prosperity:

1. My new colleague started today and it has left me feeling unsettled. It will pass.
2. Eldest was up at 6am to get into college early for her first Physics AS exam. Mixed feelings from her.
3. Princess was in school early as well for her pre reading SAT breakfast. She was much happier than her big sister.
4. The Boy managed the whole day at school (after being sent home yesterday with sore feet) and returned to normal moaning about his chemistry teacher. The euphoria has clearly worn off.
5. My Brownies completed their Royal Challenge badge and I realised camp will all be done for another year 2 weeks from now!!
6. We had an application from someone wishing to join our Scout Group as a much needed uniformed leader. This is today’s highlight!
7. I aced being a Mum to Eldest by collecting her from college after work.
8. I think both new chickens are laying eggs!!!
9. Thai Yellow curry has become the new favourite ‘chicken curry in a hurry’
10. I am still obsessed with watching Greys Anatomy.

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