My Boy

A late night blip - it's been grim out today, the drive to work was more winters than summery with winds, fog and rain!

Tea on the table when I got in late, closely followed by The Boy. We both got a bit of a telling off from MrRoly for not telling him we were both running late. SAHParenting is clearly going to his head!

Fortunately (or not) he left for Gloucester once bins/recycling were done (kids job rather than man's job). Shortly after his departure, round eleventy hundred of the f*@!ing computer doesn't work battle began.

I think I have mentioned that some time ago The Boy (then 13) and some of his friends decided they could spend a small fortune on bits and build the perfect gaming PC. Clearly when you are 13 anything is possible and MrRoly and I were doommongering naysayers who knew nothing. We freely admit that when it comes to building PCs, we know nothing*

It has lurched from catastrophe to catastrophe and I heaved a sigh of relief a couple of weeks ago when the graphics card was finally purchased, installed and operating. That was it I thought. Until tonight...

Long story short, we rowed a lot little then I made it work, saving £50 on buying a new case. I then ordered a little 'thing' from Amazon that will arrive tomorrow and make the world once again a happy place. You get a blip of My Boy because I'm pretty certain he feels unloved at times but he really isn't!

Meanwhile, Eldest has her first GCSE tomorrow - Biology 1. She remains calm and even watched a Glee and a Holby tonight as the timetable is now collapsed so she has a full morning of biology before the exam.

*I now know quite a lot about building gaming PCs after extensive google research. I can take them apart, fiddle with wires and talk about components almost in a knowledgable manner!! It appears that googling for rude pictures or funny cats is the full extent of teenage internet searching though. When asked if he'd googled for a solution he went all sheepish...

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