
By TBay

The cheque.

Young Farmers have had a bit of a battering in the press due to some rather iffy behaviour at their AGM in Blackpool a couple of weeks ago. However like so many events it was a very small number who were badly behaved and of course this impacts on the whole organisation. As an organisation we raised many thousands of pounds for charities all over the country every year but alas this too is now over shadowed by thoughtless idiots. Grrrrrr

Last evening Mr Tbay and I headed for Williton YFC where a cheque was presented to Mr Tbay for Farm Community Network for just over £600. This was raised from their Carol singing activities. Another £600 was sent to the Air Ambulance as well. This is what YFC is all about not stupid thoughtless AGM Members!

Farming - Another day of breakages! I was dispatched first thing to collect a complete set of mower blades and a thingie (no idea what is was!) for Rusty’s tractor. Poor lad then has an oil cap blow off his tractor so it was back to base for more oil! We had two on muck hauling, one mowing , one raking (Mr Tbay!) and one taking pig pens back to the Bath and West Show Ground. A VERY busy day.

I would say I achieved really not a lot but seemed to spend a lot of time in doing that! No doubt tomorrow will make up for this.

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