twinned with trumpton


A gentle start; sifted through the debris of the previous evening and heated up soup for the flask; a muesli / granola breakfast and then out into the sunshine. To North Berwick. By bike. (or doing a Middleman as I'm sure it's know in certain circles)
A standard coast hugging route along with a million other bikes out on the roads of East Lothian.
2 and a bit hours for the 25 miles; hardly rapid but given one of us is doesn't cycle other than commute, mostly, it was a reasonable effort. Soup on the seafront and then back with a minor detour along the backroads of Fenton Barns and West Barns; aided by a tail wind, we then zipped through Port Seton / Cockenzie / Musselburgh; stopped for supplies in Porty; then home. 

Bath / shower as appropriate and then sat out in the sun with a lamb dish in turmeric garlic chilli yoghurt; chargrilled with tomatoes and chunks of aubergine; some spinach. Zingy and melt in the mouth gorgeousness.

As the sun dropped from sight, steak and Eurovision was a backdrop to a quiet evening in, chatting and plotting. No idea who won. 

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