All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Toddler Love

I woke up at 2am-ish to hear Ethan shouting "Mummy got to get the door". Half asleep, I shouted back to him to just go back to sleep. Next thing I know, I hear little footsteps going down the stairs. I jump out of bed to find him trying to open the front door saying "got to open door, people there"! I'm still not 100% certain if he was awake or sleepwalking!

It was a rotten night though as I had to get up to see to him 2 more times and he ended up in our bed. Tired mummy again today, especially as hubbie and I have been staying up late all week trying to get more of the flooring completed.

Ethan and I met up with my friend Lisa and her daughter Lucinda at Almond Valley Heritage Centre. The kids get on so well and were even holding hands for ages at one point. We had lunch there before heading back home.

Granny and Grandpa are with us tonight for the first time in a month. Ethan was very pleased to see them!

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