All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan doesn't usually go to nursery on a Wednesday but as they were having a Halloween party today, I booked him in for an extra session. He was so excited when he realised he was getting to wear his spider costume to nursery!

I had planned to so a serious amount of housework, as it's in chaos just now with the work hubbie is doing to it. As is always the case though, I ran out of time, but it is looking a wee bit better now.

I had decided not to take Ethan out guising this year as I think he's still a bit too young. However he LOVED answering the door to the groups of children coming round and soon started negotiating a sweet from me each time we gave some out to the other guisers. He was really disappointed when it was apparant no more people were coming to the door!

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