An interesting morning at Leighton Moss. The RSPB volunteer at reception recommended a specific hide and we weren’t disappointed. No sooner had we arrived than a heron flew in and landed close by (main blip). I just got two shots before it flew off (extra 1). Then we spotted the pair of Great Crested Grebes. The male came towards the hide (extra 2), dived twice and came up with a fish (extra 3) or perhaps it’s an eel. He swam back to Mrs Grebe and then 4 chicks appeared from her back. He passed the fish to her, she gave it back, and after doing this a few times he swallowed it. If I had a big lens (like those in extra 4) the photos may have been better ……. I’ve had to crop a lot. We also saw a pair of Scaup, a Goldeneye and a Marsh Harrier. Apparently Osprey fish here too. 

Back in the car park there was lots of chirping from a tree and finally we spotted a thrush (extras 5 and 6). 

An afternoon in the garden then a few glasses of wine with tea. 

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