
By Legacy

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet.......

shall stay a child in the pursuit of candy. Took this through the windshield on the way home from work. I've never seen so many kids out trick or treating in my life. It was absolutely pouring and the wind was blowing like crazy -- they were all soaked dispite their parents' best efforts to keep them under umbrellas, but everybody looked pretty happy. This little purple princess didn't seem to mind the rain at all. This was the downtown trick or treat event where the kids go to all the stores. It's nice and a lot safer for them than walking dark streets.

This picture is a poor substitute for the coolest blip ever, which I missed -- it was a man in a tin man suit from the Wizard of Oz, carrying a bright blue umbrella which was almost blown inside out. I even drove around the block trying to find a spot to park so I could go after him, but sadly, it was not to be. You'll have to use your imagination.

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