What a Difference A Day Makes

Top Photo 16th October last year. the day we were offered a swap from our beautiful bountiful green place. 

We looked at it and hoped there was potential.  

Bottom shot - today.   

It's so lovely to go up  - and sit in amongst everything blooming.  - Everyone's allotment is coming to life -some in order, some all by itself any which way. 

We were up sharp this morning 9.45 ; only one other allotmenteer was there.  We set ourselves our tasks -  planting out lettuces and Rocket. Stitching up netting to make a cover for our "brassicas".

I sewed for an hour in glorious sunshine, and now I have a slight sun stroke and a burnt neck. 

Then we took a detour to kilmarnock - I needed a purchase for my Cosmo Cabin; and then headed home where I spent another 2 hours painting; whilst himself outdid himself in the tidying of the garden. 

at 6 pm we were ready to get out weekly shop... we did almost decide not to - but we tried that last night too so it had to be done .

Shopping bought, curry obtained.  We headed home and sat for a hour in the garden enjoying the fading light of the sun and then shut up shop for the night. 

Ready to do it all again tomorrow. 

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