Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Always take the weather with you!

I certainly brought the weather from Largs with me to Barcelona!   Woke up to rain this morning and felt a bit sorry for our latest guests who arrived safely from USA and Rome - mother and daughter Janice and Cassidy, who hadn't seen each other since January as Cassidy has been studying in Rome.  They'll have a few days here, then on to Paris and then both back to The States.  They liked the house and their room, got all settled in and then headed out to enjoy the rain day. 

Just managed to get ready for these guests' arrival by the skin of my teeth, but did it!  Flowers were chucked placed carefully in vases just as the doorbell rang!

Still to unpack from Scotland, but tried my hand at making mushroom pate this afternoon....may be a bit too much garlic for a breakfast dish....will test it out tomorrow morning.   It rained off and on all day with the sun trying hard to come out a few times.  Pizza dinner at our local Italian just round the corner.  Their pizzas are GOOD - thin and crispy base!  Enjoy!

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