In The Garden

It was quite nice this morning so I went into the garden with the camera to see what was about.
 didn't have much luck chasing the bee though ....... there is no way to see when it is likely to leave or get a clue as to which way it was going to go.
So I gave up on the bee and went with the Snakes Heads - the Purple Honesty and the Forrest Flame Pieris.

While the weather was not too bad I did some weeding, some relaxing when the back started squealing, more weeding and a bit of turning.

By mid afternoon the skies had turned a nasty shade of grey so I gave up on the gardening.

While I remember - the quiz night was much busier than ever before and because we were about the last to arrive our table was nearly out in the entrance hall.
We were third equal at the count .... with two other teams and because there is only one trophy for 3rd there was a tie break of another 5 questions .... which we all drew on. Unfortunately we missed out on the next tie break (which the other 2 drew and had to have yet another round). A bit of a shame really because we would have won that round).
But it was a good night - and there was even a buffet and a band after.

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