Floods in Mote Park

The yo-yo weather swung back to rain and winds again today. Thankfully not as long or intense as Monday as the sun came out in the late afternoon albeit with showers chasing across the sky.

We had a quick walk in Mote Park which, once again, provided today’s blip of kids on their way home from School enjoying the challenge of the flooded roadway.

I worked in the morning on a user guide while Susan went to the doctors for a second opinion on a painful foot. We think there is a diagnosis but more tests are needed to confirm. Meanwhile walking continues to be painful but she still wants to continue.

In the evening we went to see Bill Bailey in his show “Larks Ascending”. It was hilarious, I came out with the proverbial “aching sides”. Not only was is great observational comedy, without the crudeness, Bill is also an accomplished musician and a slick improviser. We’d go and see him again without a doubt.

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