The bearded crow

No , not a new species but the Carrion crow collecting horse hair from the field.There was plenty of it too as the post is ideal for a good scratch and I had just been watching one of the Shetland ponies doing just that.
A bright morning that slowly turned more cloudy, cold with spots of rain.
We went to Inverness , to the tip and to get some things I needed for Brownies.
Some new flower pots and two Montana clematis fell into the shopping trolley ;)
We had Brownies in the park tonight , by now the sun had completely gone but it was dry and it was just the Leaders who felt abit chilly.
Lots of fun on the play equipment , some girls tackling the monkey bars and thrilled when they managed to get across for the first time, others made it look sooo easy !
Then we took part in a few taster sessions of Sports from the Commonwealth games, including badminton, gymnastics, football and running.
We had a special visit from Andrew who took part in the London Marathon and completed it in just under three and a half hours, amazing in all the heat, coming within the top 4,000. What a great achievement as 40,000 took part.The girls asked lots of questions and got to see his medal.
We celebrated Rosie’s 18th birthday with cake, presents and sang Happy Birthday VERY loudly ;) Then it was Hometime !

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