
A phone call from 2 ex colleagues...
Are you busy? Can we pop in for a cuppa

of course....in reality I was in my PJs at 5 o’clock after getting soaked walking Daisy, wrapped in my duvet watching a film!!!!
Then ...NO BISCUITS AND 1 TEA BAG...luckily I found some posh hotel tea bags from holiday!!!! Then made lemon biscuits. Unfortunately Mary Berry let me down :( they were just edible!!! Think my visitors were being polite though:))
They eventually left at 10 o’clock after a fish and chip supper lots of laughter and chats. Just what the doctor ordered.

Thankful for ..... news from Newcastle that the 16 year old who killed my 22 year nephew has got LIFE....after 14 months the family has justice for Frankie.

Details on Newcastle Chronicle live.

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