Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger


Corra and Loki posing on the stumps that were too big to move (for my measly muscles at least ...).

It finally feels like Spring, hooray! Started off rainy, but it is beautiful now. Really hoping it stays that way for the weekend!

Sitting outside this evening, I noted that Lady Mae Mae (my white runner duck) wasn't around much. She came out and was honking loudly with Tiny Duck for a while, but that was about it. Before heading in, I went to grab eggs from the coop for the night. Kung Pao had received a new deposit which I removed and I went to see if there were any eggs in the corner to see Lady Mae Mae laying there. Normally the ducks make a bee line outside if I enter the coop and they are in there, so it was definitely strange. I wanted to make sure she was okay and as I approached she puffed up like crazy and started to hiss. I know that behavior! She wants to be a mama duck, so I let her be for the moment. None of my ducks have ever gone broody, so I am going to see how long she sticks with it. Might be better to have a duck hatch duck eggs than a chicken ...

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