Baby monitor

Today's the day ........................... to listen in

I have a vague memory that baby monitoring devices were just beginning to be available when our two were babies - but they weren't as neat and easy to plug in as today's kind.  For a start, there would have been an actual cable between the transmitter and the receiver and once they were installed that was it.  Nowadays, they are just another of the many accessories that are available to help parents and their children in their busy, active lives.

We'll be very glad to have it in this house for the next few days - because we have a very precious little bundle of energy staying with us all by herself.  It's a lot to ask of a little one to get used to a new environment and routine - without her Mum and Dad on hand to keep things right.  But we're doing very well so far and she was off to sleep in the new bed without any problem.

But it's good to be able to listen in via the magic monitor and keep an ear on things .............................

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