Let Me Do The Dishes in our Kitchen Sink...

Last weekend my Nephew J proposed to L. 

Fortunately for him , after the initial shock at seeing the ring,  L recovered quickly and said Yes!!! 

They have now fallen into the whirlwind of relative visiting, list making, deposit making, more lists, more planing, until the big day. 

I was quick of the mark. I am not known for my bestowing of gifts on my Nephews and Niece (or anyone for that matter).  I forget birthdays, try to ignore Christmas, and don't do Mothers or Fathers or Valentine Days.   But When I gift, I try to gift with complete gay abandon. 

on this occasion I excelled myself. 

I handed the gift over this morning with the instructions, "this is a joint gift, for you to use together.  Open it alone... away from me"  

J had explained to L that my choice of gifts was not always appropriate. and they looked suitably terrified. 

I just didn't want to see their sad wee faces when they realised I hadn't given them sex toys. 

Happily - J text me when they had opened them :-)   

"Brilliant" :-D

(See Extra for the gift) 

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