
Beck and I picked up Donuts for breakfast from the 7-11 across the road and then we took the Metro across the river back into Virginia to Arlington Cemetery. We visited the Kennedy graves and the original Civil War burial ground by the Robert E. Lee House and watched the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then we dodged the school parties at the exit and walked over the bridge to the Lincoln Monument at the end of the National Mall. We picked our way through the crowds up the stairs to have a look at the statue and then set about the rest of the monuments: the Vietnam War Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Martin Luther King Monument. We all agreed that MLK bossed the others but there’s no doubt he’s helped out by the prime location on the Tidal Basin amongst all the Spring Cherry Blossom. We finished up with a brief visit to the WWII monument, all agreed that we were by now well and truly ‘monumented-out’ and went for some lunch. We failed to redeem our Nats tickets against free chicken sandwiches at Chick-Fil-A and went for a better option at Founding Farmers instead and then went to the Air and Space Museum for a look at all the planes and space suits and things…

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