
By Transitoire

Remarkably long whiskers

There is always sunshine behind the clouds! Was raining pretty hard during our Liverpool visit...but had a lovely day. So dad went to visit the Museum of Liverpool rather than following Mum and I round the shops! We met for an absolutely lovely lunch at Gustos and caught up on each other's days. Dad really enjoyed himself studying in the museum rather than "traipsing round the shops" with me and Mum. Not that I'm not a fan of museums, I feel that Liverpool really does have some fantastic museums and art galleries...more than people give it credit for. Anyhows, Caen just does not have the same kind of shops as England - and especially not the same as Liverpool! Did dance a few little jigs in the street as I realised just how much more choice I had compared to French home...and may have ended up purchasing a coat, two dresses and a top. That I obviously didn't really need but definitely wanted.

In other news, HELLO ERASMUS! Checked my bank account, and the first installation of my grant is now safely ensconced within it. And it might have boosted the remainder of my 21st Birthday money to allow me to buy a NEW LENS. So, result back from the workshop was that my very poorly, very broken 50mm was pretty much irreparable (well, would have cost more than a 2nd hand one to fix) so to repair it was no longer an option. Luckily I was not too sad at this upsetting news, as said in Saturday's blip, because my gem of a father had rented a 60mm 2.8 Macro Lens. And on trying it out...well, it is beautiful and I most definitely didn't want to give it back. Did have dark thoughts about not wanting my 50mm to be reparable so I had an excuse to buy this new toy! Was then further tempted by the offer of a second hand lens in mint condition (seller known very well by the shop) with over £100 off when I found out the poor 50mm was irreparable I then had a concrete excuse. So hopefully I've justified the purchase enough!

This is April, our 9 year old cat...nickname: fatcat. And, although she has lost weight recently, she is still a bit of a big boned lass. But an absolutely beautiful face, and an even more gorgeous temperament. Unlike the stereotypes, she has never scratched anyone, she waits behind the front door for people to come home and follows you around the house (particularly likes watching you put out the washing in the garden). April is the only cat I know of that yowls upon coming back into the house, just to see if anyone is in. Fortunately for me her penchant for cheese, or even "fresh" cat biscuits, means that she is the perfect model for photographs.

Anyway, enough about the cat...tomorrow is another journeying day...which I am rather excited about. Tomorrow will be the first time I get to see Andy in over five weeks - as well as my university friends, some who I haven't seen for four months. To Leamington!

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