
By Transitoire


Woke up at 8.30am today, well 10.30am French is to lie-ins, especially when they still leave you with entire days! Had a very rained on walk with Grandma Sylvia, Holly (the dog!) and mum in the morning. And boy did it rain; I forgot just how much it could rain in the North! Not that it doesn't rain in Normandy, on the contrary, but somehow the rain seems less intense in France. Was great to see Grandma, and walk round our usual patch. When I'm home I usually see her about once a week to take the dog for a walk, so it is so nice to retrace my steps!

To then meet with my Grandma Peggy and show her everything I've been up to since I went to France made my day even better. So by the time the entire family went to The Hop Vine for an absolutely amazing lunch I was ecstatic! And such a lovely lunch it was too. The Hop Vine is quite literally one of the best pubs I have ever been has its own brewery so brews its own beer (and what a beer - smooth and slightly sweet), and the kitchens are more than recommended, with a set menu (put in old leather encyclopaedia covers) and a beautiful set of specials. Ended up having not only a starter and a main, but managed to fit in dessert as well. Well, if food is that good you eat as much as you can! Definitely not going to be eating again today though...

Such a great family day out. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family, and one that gets on so well. My two grandmas are very much a comedy duo - think French and Saunders - and really do bounce off each fact, when they are together it is hard to get a word in edgeways! And I really do miss them all when I am away from them.

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