
By fitzbilly

At least it got me out of gardening!

Took mrsfb to the annual Spring Homes & Garden Fair at Sudeley Castle. Not my cup of tea really.

Lots of items for sale outside, which in past times would just have been dumped, such as old milk churns (main image) and galvanised containers (extra). I suppose people do buy this stuff.

I am in the market for a tasteful garden gnome if such a thing exists, but there were none (even naff ones) to be seen amongst all the metal chicken, rabbit, flamingo, giraffe etc sculptures.

I was quite taken by a row of four old folding cinema seats. A guy looking at them with me said he already had a row of three ex-theatre seats and said they were perfect for 'the boot room',  talking as though everyone has one (we haven't).

Afterwards we had a nice outside pub lunch, and then a quick trip to Sainsbury's. 

In other news (see extra), I managed to get some pics and videos of our hedgehog . He seems to visit in the early evening at the moment. I also got some pics and videos of a small mouse which also comes by for a drink of water, in the early hours of the morning. I think he is far too small to be a rat!

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