3 Swans A-swimming

Today's the day ........................... to glide by

These swans were on Windermere this afternoon looking very serene.  The Council (I think) have been doing lots of improvement work on the shore of the lake.  There's a proper footpath now winding along - with benches to sit on.  It all looks very smart and so much better than it used to be.

I had to laugh at the two Japanese tourists sitting on one of the benches and completely absorbed with their mobiles.  They were oblivious to the fact that the swans were putting on a little performance for them nearby.  It ended with swans exiting stage left under the jetty (see extra).  It was impressive in that the swans kept in formation and didn't seem to bat an eyelid at this tricky manoeuvre. 

Very amusing, I thought .....................!

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