The Harris Museum

"Erected from the funds bequeathed by
on the site given by the
Opened the 26th October 1893
By the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Derby G.C.D.
Thomas Edelston, Mayor
James Hibbert, Archt."

Abi and I went into Preston, this afternoon, to do some shopping for the birthday of one of her friends. Happily, the Minx was able to meet up with us once the shopping was done and she took us to the Harris Museum, which was fab and, to our surprise and delight, featured a news clipping and photo of the miniMinx's grandmother, who was very involved with the Preston Carnival. After that we went to the newly enclosed market for coffee, where we were joined by the miniMinx herself. 

I have to say that today presented an aspect of Preston I haven't really seen before, and Abs and I added to our list of places to go and hang out. 

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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