Late in the Day

Late in the season too but it is good to see our tree well and truly surrounded by water and safe from tourists who feel the need to climb it.
BIG fun day as The Boss discovered it was 12000 staggers from our new pad to Edgewater cafe and back and we met Granny (acycling) with middle sized “H” (she used to be little “H” but they fed her) and they came back to our place and I got to show her round and practise ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ and ‘down’ with her.. I am pretty good at these. Grrreat fun while they drank hot choc and English Breakfast and had choc biscuits…Sigh…
No they didn’t….The Boss would never let THAT happen…Sigh again. 

The Bossess is arriving on a Jet Plane this evening and I hope she makes it before the forecast sno on the Crown Range Rd. later tonight.

The Boss just doesn’t understand how to photograph this tree as he didn’t have a tripod (hasn’t found it yet) or a fancy camera, but he did have a cast of ‘thousands’ as we walked up to the waters edge and he knelt down and pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and left 10 seconds later.  
I was almost homesick…….

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