Autumn Dog

I got a treat for this. He had to ‘Cos everyone was looking so I was sure of a good thing. 
Walking down the Outlet Track with the “B”team and an all star cast of bike riders without bells.
It is getting very difficult to go for a walk in Wanaka without the bikes but most of the riders are courteous folk but still without bells and coming up behind you yelling “oonyrriiighttt” is terribly confusing to older folk who may be hard of hearing and dogs who just plain have no idea what is going on. The “B” team have a plan and as the afore mentioned bikers go past they chant “Get a bell.. Get a bell”  to them which is probably a dead waste of time as most of them would be riding rented bikes but it sounds great so let them do it I say.

The Bossess is away and The Boss has constructed a “Tussock Control Barrier”  in the living area of the apartment that means that I simply cannot go down stairs to get outside (via The Bossess’s office) without him noticing and tagging along to open and close doors etc. This has been prompted by alleged bad behaviour but it was NOT me…Definitely another dog probably completely stressed out from all the disruption around here and nothing to do with it raining either…. He seemed to enjoy building this so I guess I won’t spoil his fun and 
co-operate occasionally under the Wheaton rules of disruptive behaviour code of non-practise….Right.  
There is, I believe, a dog door on the horizon but when it arrives I am sure I will not recognise its function without several truckloads of cheese being involved.


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