
By Mindseye

Balancing a bottle of Baniks

Mustn't grumble, first night I haven't slept well, bound to happen sooner or later!
Hub was ok, I was still awake at two, got off after that, was awake just after 7, so might beat Emily to bed tonight ;-)

A light breakfast, beans and egg on toast, followed by some fresh fruit.
Luckily its a 1000 steps to the restaurant and back....combined with daily potterings and a walk up and down the beach, we are getting some 7/8000 steps in, although not as many as we would like. Mind you hubs knee isnt great...Docs on return.
Done my 20 back and forth in the pool too!

Very windy, a red flag day on the beach, so no swimming or even paddling today, as the waves are enormous! I can hear them crashing in as I type this sat on the balcony!

Sunny with some cloud mid 20s, so not too hot....sun tan coming along nicely now ;-) Hub and I took a walk to the bar mid afternoon, the reggae music is really good and the girls behind the bar were serving guests whilst balancing bottles of spirits on their heads....a quick dash back to the sun lounger for my camera for todays blip, job done! Hub paddling in extras.

Emily and Molly have kept each other out of mischief....they played Bingo this afternoon, apparently Molly won a Line. Finished my third book......got the next one lined up to start tomorrow. Its a real sun worshippers beach/pool holiday this so not a lot else to do to be honest.

We are booked in to the Cape Verde Fish Restaurant this evening, hopefully some nice prawns and tuna maybe :-)

The Asian restaurant last night was really good....fabulous spare ribs! Emily tried the sushi, but didn't like it ;-) She did like the cookies and cream ice cream though! We ended yesterday playing Sussed, a clever card based game, with questions and multiple choice answers, that reveals how well you know each other! It is really quite good....there are more version too! We watched the Brazil Carnival themed show, the dancers are so energetic and fit...... called it quits around 10.30.

One week down, but another one week to go!

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