An Evening of Much Merriment

Last night, after a couple of gins, someone had the bright idea of extending the holiday by a night and stopping off somewhere on the way home. We decided on Stratford Upon Avon and, one phone call later, we had a couple of rooms booked in a guesthouse just outside the town centre.

Our journey down was pretty slow and we didn’t arrive until mid afternoon. We dumped our bags and walked into town.
We managed to follow a tourist map and saw all the sights (albeit from the outside as they were all closed).
We were lucky to find a fantastic Greek restaurant who could fit us all in and they let us leave Molly in a little courtyard area where we could see her and the children paid her regular visits with bits of meat. We went for a full Meze which was amazing. The food just kept on coming. Definitely one of the best meals of the holiday.

Photo is the house where Shakespeare was born.

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