A good day

Today was a good day. A half-marathon, this morning, then recording the radio show, a bit of work, then down to Chorley to meet the Minx for a bit more work (over a beer, admittedly), and finally into town to meet Dom for a glass of wine or two at the Station Ale House, 

There's something about getting things done that makes me feel good. A day when I'm completing things, interspersed with maybe a bit of social media, is so much better than the reverse for my mental health. It's been so good getting off Facebook but, having thought about it, I don't want to leave Twitter, Instagram, or, indeed, Blip; I just need to make sure that they are the sorbet and not the (substitute) main course.

Anyway, it was such a good day that it was only when I was walking home from seeing Dom that I realised I hadn't taken a photo. So, this is all I've got!

-12.8 kgs
0 words
Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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