Cheerio Looe

You find things to pass the time at work, don't you? Some years ago, maybe more than some, a colleague and I came up with the idea of a banter quotient. The idea was that if someone had a positive banter quotient, they would contribute to a conversation, make an evening out more fun etc. (You can work out the converse.)

I often think about this at the start of a car journey when I'm travelling with someone else: the Kraftwerk CDs go back in the house and I worry about the banter quotient. 

But I don't worry about that with the Minx or with Dan, and while Abi settled down on the back seat with her pillow, blanket, and iPad (plus two guitars and sundry bags of food, cameras etc), we - Dan and I - strapped into the front and set off on the seven hour journey home. 

And it was lovely. We listened to some music (mostly Dan's) and chatted about music we liked and, inevitably, music theory. Three years ago, I would  occasionally explain bits of music theory to Dan (to the best of my ability). Then we went through a phase of discussing it, and now I struggle gamely to keep up. 

But I love it. 

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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