Where I Grew Up

A cloudy morning, but it didn't take long for it to clear, and it's been a sunny day.  Cloudy again this evening, and a chilly breeze. 

A day working on the museum desk.  A surprise cruise ship turned up this morning, so it was a busy start to the day.  The ship headed out at lunchtime.  The afternoon was spent setting up for tonight's events.  Straight out in the garden after tea.  I've been filling the flower beds with topsoil and compost.  Walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later. 

With the fine day, I thought I'd try some more flying, and plenty of airspace down near mam's.  Mam's house on the far right, and granny and grandad lived next door, joined on is uncle Leonard.  This is where I grew up, and spent my childhood running about.  A lot of the old houses in ruin or demolished now.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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