Past It

With apologies to Monty Python-
These daffies have passed on! They are no more! They have ceased to be! They’ve expired and gone beyond their sell by date! They are bereft of life, shuffled off their flowery coil and run down the curtain. These are ex daffodils.

I feel I share some sympathy with these once blooming bulbs. I feel just a tad weary after yet another dreich day of enveloping mist, rain and chill. Sometimes I feel I may have reached my ‘best by’ time and I will forever feel cold and miserable. Please could we have just a few days in a row of sunshine and double figure temperatures

I made a special sortie to the Post Office in the rain to post a parcel, only to find that the whole P.O. system was ‘down’ and parcels could not be processed. I’ve never heard of that before........ I blame Putin myself.

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