My View

In days of yore, I had an uncle by marriage, a survivor of WW1, a man esteemed amongst his fellow quantity surveyors and golfers, a man who had once played in the final of the open amateur golf championship in the 1920s, and who when he died left behind a clutch of diaries from his later years.

When I found them I thought I was going to open a kaleidoscope of his life thoughts and comments, but I was sadly disappointed. Each day's entry consisted of a resumé of the weather conditions and a detailed account of the holes of golf played at which East Lothian courses. I hear that many quantity surveyors have that sort of unimaginative but practical mentality.

I fear that I am following in his footsteps if all I can say about my day so far is that the weather is sunny but chilly, having decided not to subject you to the SIM card saga (sorted!) or the number of steps I have trodden since I got up or how many ounces I have lost since I last put my feet on the scales. No these are facts of no interest to anyone else, including His Lordship I suspect.

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