FlowerFriday06_2018 Hyacinth bouquet
Today continued sunny although a chilly wind meant that it was not quite as nice as yesterday but nevertheless, Spring seems to be on the way at last!
Violet and I went to meet her friend S and her Mummy at Forty Hall. We sat in the courtyard outside the café and, it being the Easter holidays, there was plenty of company for the girls.
When we came home, Violet was exhausted and had decent nap before going home (See extra). It's unusual for her need a daytime sleep these days, but she did seem rather tired when she came to me this morning (hope she's not sickening for something) While she was playing today, she fell over and slightly grazed her chin and knee: nothing serious but a colourful plaster from Ikea (actually she chose black from a choice of red, black and green) on the knee made her feel much better.
The flowers for my main blip are a supermarket bunch. Many thanks to BikerBear for her continued hosting. She's been rather poorly lately : wishing her quickly better.
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