
This is Ann's friend Joanna. We haven't seen Joanna since before Christmas so it was nice that she came on my afternoon walk with me. Ann made us pose beside the daffodils as she was trying to get the snowy Pentland Hills in the background. Well that didn't work did it? The daffodils still aren't properly out yet. We may have to come back here next week to Blip them fully out.

Joanna was well impressed with how much running about and splish, splash, sploshing in the burn I did. I think that because Ann keeps telling people that I'm old, with more grey hairs than her, everyone expects me to be really slow all the time. But I'm not. I can be very super speedy when I want to be!!! However, I was glad when we got home and Ann and Joanna went out for dinner, leaving me to have some uninterupted snooze time.

And now I've got to have an early night ….............because guess where I'm going tomorrow?................... I'm going to Elie to have a walk and lunch with another 'Blip dog' that I've never, ever met before. So after my bedtime wee, I'm going to be groomed (so that I look irresistably gorgeous for my handsome new friend #internetdatingfordogs), and then I'm going to have a little pep talk about how I should behave tomorrow.

Goodnight Blippers. xxx

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