Earlier in the week I commented how hot it had been and then today we found ourselves in freezing blizzard conditions! We woke up to snow this morning in Kaiserslautern, Germany and didn't really believe that it would settle but it just kept on coming all day.

It was the DoDDS (can't actually remember what this stands for, but it's something to do with the Department of Defense) European XC Champs which sounds good but is slightly misleading in the fact that we are not a military school and there was a school from Bahrain competing which certainly isn't in Europe! However, it was a huge meet which is taken very seriously and despite the very cold conditions we had a good day, with one exceptional performance from one of our Varsity boys.

I like how the tree in the above blip is determined to believe that it's still Autumn despite the wintery scene around it. Wonder if any of the runners noticed it on their way around the course?!

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