UN Assembly

This morning we managed to organise it so that myself and hubby could attend The ECC (Early Childhood Centre) assembly as Olivia's year group were delivering it to the rest of the ECC, teachers and parents. Olivia has been rehearsing for a while as she has been singing songs about peace at home and practising her line as she was part of a few children selected to be in a play. Her role was a French cat and she had to deliver the line: "I am a cat from France and I like to sing and dance."

We were a little bit worried as recently she seems to have developed the shyness that I had as a kid and we weren't sure if she would be able to perform in front of such a large audience. However, she managed to pull it off and seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself. She was also the one singing the loudest (and in tune!) and performing all the actions to all the songs, with the other children looking to her and trying to copy what she was doing. After the assembly two teachers of older students, who I've never met before, approached me when they saw that Olivia was my daughter and told me how wonderful she had been and how she had kept them all entertained and that she never missed a beat and that she had a future on the stage! Other parents came up too, after and said similar things and I do believe that watching my daughter perform today with such confidence and accuracy was one of my proudest moments as a parent. She really is a star.

After lots of cuddles and kisses, I then had to dash off to teach some lessons before travelling to Germany at lunchtime for the European Cross Country Championships with my team.

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