Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

It's about creating something.

I've been doing this project called #The100DayProject as a challenge on instagram that I wanted to bring over here to blip foto because of course the art I chose to create for this project involved photography.

For me though photography can be two things:
1. Art
2. A story

Sometimes magic happens and the two can become one. However, today was not one of those days. I typically struggle with which picture should I post because I can never choose one from the day. But today was harder than most because the two pictures I was torn between were so radically different. One was art. The other was a story.

I spent today playing video games with my boyfriend. I've been obsessed with a game called Dragon Quest Builders for the Nintendo Switch. Obsessed. So we spent the day like any adult on spring break (both being teachers) would do to avoid responsibilities. We played all day.

The other picture I was going to post captured this perfectly. A close up picture of the controller in my boyfriends hand off centered with the gray backdrop or the couch. I do love this picture.

As we were explain though I looked over at my window sill in my living room and saw how perfectly the light was hitting my plants. My apartment gets amazing light both in the morning and afternoon. (East and West windows FTW). I was magnetically pulled to them with my camera. I love these photos.

But then I asked my boyfriend which picture I should post to blip foto. I was torn. He asked me what the project was about and we looked into it some more. I ended up finding this quote someone had wrote about the challenge from a previous year, "The 100 day project got me creating for myself again".

Right then I knew. I needed to choose art. I chose the picture that reminds me of the reason I fell in love with photography and love doing this. Which is so refreshing because as you can tell from scrolling through my blip foto, it's been some time since I've felt that way. ♥️

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