Soon hobby garage time....

I have not yet put our skis in to storage. Still snow in the tracks. The ski season is not finished. However, rising temperatures and an approaching May month tell me that the activities in my hobby garage soon has to start up. That means changing to summer tires, getting the winter stored cabrio on the road again, prepare our bikes for a new season, maintenance of house and garden and much more. Open up the summer house, prepare everything there for a new season, boat, landing stage and buoys out a.s.o. Bike holiday in France and cabrio tour in Germany. The summer season is an activ season we look forward to. Calmer colder time comes when the summer is gone. All seasons have their charm and peculiarities. That is why our years are going so fast...too fast.  Son A sent me the extra from South Africa. Dare not show it to great grandmother. 

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