Lunch Break Beach Clean

Back to sunshine today, with clouds on the horizon.  Chilly when in the shade, but warm in the lea.  

Another day working on the museum desk.  Even though it's been a lovely day, we've had a busy day with visitors and families.  The school bairns have really hit it lucky with the weather for their Easter holidays.  After tea, it was straight out in the garden to get on with the garden project.  It's back breaking, but sure will be worth it.  Off to work in the pub later. 

With it being such a lovely day, I nipped down the road to try and finish off the beach clean I started yesterday.  Another bag full of plastic waste, but still have another stretch to do to finish it.  That takes the count up to 24 bags this year.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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