Neighbourhood Roofs

A cold and windy day, but dry and a sunny morning.  Clouded over in the late afternoon, and a cloudy evening. 

A quieter day in the museum, but it still a steady day of visitors.  There was some staff training this morning.  Met up with mam and peerie Brian at lunchtime.  Walkies with Sammy after tea, and gathered a few problem sycamores, Swedish whitebeams and fuchsia bushes too.  I got them potted up, and ready for planting at mam's soon.  A quiet evening by the fire now. 

It's great to have the lighter evenings back, and means evening walkies can be off the beaten track.  Me and Sammy headed out, and up the hill directly above our home, and headed for Punds Voe.  It's always a superb view as you head up the hill, and always good to take a moment to enjoy it.  This is looking down on the rooftops of my neighbourhood, with my house just out of view on the right.  Looking down on Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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