The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

Prize winning egg

Attended an Easter afternoon gathering at Margaret's house. 

Our invitation emails contained many and specific instructions for attendees, so 2pm saw a dozen ladies of a certain age approaching M's door each wearing a flamboyantly decorated Easter bonnet. (2 male party goers with more low key hats were admitted also).
We were welcomed with a glass of warm punch, and instructed to secretly place our decorated eggs in an egg tray, under a tea towel, ready for judging later on.

Our first activity was an Easter Egg hunt around the house. Then, with overflowing handfuls of tiny eggs we sat round and listened to limericks M had written - one about each guest - to introduce them to the others.
Others recited poems, told a story or joke. One brave person played the piano.

Next we each went in turn to judge the decorated eggs and vote for the one we liked best. Mine won!! I was delighted! I had coloured it, in great haste, just an hour before the party.

Bonnet judging, rolling our eggs down a slope into the sand dunes, lovely, lovely was a most pleasant afternoon.

Extra of my bonnet.

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